ATime, Alex Coal, Caught Red Handy’d
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Is this video just about fucking, or does it also have a complex plot? This vid is something that will satisfy you. So you can either watch and enjoy it or skip it and regret it. Oliver Davis has acquired The Handy, a hot new sex object. And he is SO EXCITED to drive it. In the living area, he turns on some porn and does indecent acts until his girlfriend, Alex Coal, walks in! Oliver is shocked to learn that Alex isn’t even angry. In reality, she has some curiosity regarding The Handy’s capabilities. She is eager to find out everything! A cutting-edge sex toy created for the utmost male enjoyment is called The Handy. You need to switch on the automated masturbator to experience wave after wave of ecstasy! The Handy App may be used to configure it through Bluetooth, and it connects straight to Wi-Fi so that you can get the most recent firmware upgrades, which come with exciting new features and robust integrations.
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Duration: 00:39:23
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
Size: 1.22 GB
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